A Workaholic’s Workaholic

Hello… heeellllloooooo! I have the pleasure of writing this blog post as I sit outside and listen to the rain fall on this beautiful summer day. It has been very busy trying to get this move on the way. It will be a bit difficult in the following weeks to update this blog because I will be couch surfing until I find a good home in Brooklyn. Luckily there is a Starbucks at every corner and I will be spending ALOT of time there.

I have finally started the planning and preparation of my fashion blog and website idea I had started over a year ago. The reason it took so long to initiate is because I have been living the poor artist life these past two years right out of college. Student loans and poor artist don’t necessarily mix, but it was a risk and opportunity I could not pass up and I am glad I have taken. I worked my butt off for months with very little payoff but a VERY high internal payoff. I have built a small network of fans and I proved to myself that if I really wanted to take this all the way, what I need most now was time and patience! However, life has to move forward and I am always a business lady first. I know I could only be poor by choice because I am resourceful and I require very little in terms of materialistic comforts. My choice to be poor is over and I take all that I have learned and my workaholic-ism to the capital of workaholics, NYC. Where, yes, my workaholic boyfriend lives as well.

I have a great outlook on moving to NYC because I was able to find a happy medium between living my life and completing my written bucket list that I always keep with me and working. If I so happen to make millions one day, then so be it. If I don’t, so be it. In high school and college I was in the drag race to become a millionaire. Then after awhile money became less important and I garnered the relationships I encountered. The reason behind this is good ol Princeton NJ.

I use to work at a high end audio sales company that built whole house systems for the rich and famous of Princeton. One of my primary job requirements was to visit the homes of these people and build relationships with them to sell them as much crap as possible. I had just turned 19 at the time and I was good at talking to people, but my heart had no interest in swindling them. However, with my honesty I was rewarded with respect and a lot of lessons from the stories my clients secretly confessed. The long hours of working and the fact that I knew more about their homes then they did. The unhappy wives scanning my every move and the children who were spoiled rotten and treated you as a second class citizen. My favorite people, however, were the ones that walked in and you couldn’t tell if they were rich. These were the people that didn’t come from money or didn’t ever let money rule them. They chose to live simply and realistically in society. They divulged in little pleasures sometimes, like a home audio system, but they rather be treated as a person and not the Bugatti sitting outside or the expensive suit and watches the flashed. My kind of people. They seemed to be the happiest and the friendliest.

That is when I vowed to never let money rule my decision making again. I work hard and if I am good at what I do, money will come in, but it will be put to a good purpose. Not, to buy me things to show off for other people. This is the same reason I decided to date my boyfriend. I am allergic to flashy people who feel a need to try and impress me with what they have obtained. Usually there is very little on the inside to please me and I am not a woman to be bought. The fact I even met my boyfriend was by chance. I didn’t expect to met a CEO of anything. I just treated like everyone else. The same way I treat celebrities I have met over the years working in television. Actually, fun story for you guys.

A friend of mine had won two backstage passes to meet a famous singer (who I will not name) at a show in Philadelphia. I was excited to see the show. When the show was over and we went backstage to meet him I was excited to see what kind of person this man was because, with years of experience I can perceive certain personality traits by gestures, movement, and speech. It was our turn for a picture. We both walked up and right before the picture was snapped he decided to take his dirty little paw and put on my tank top and pull it out as if he was looking down at my boobs. Now I have a cute tattoo right over my heart that was showing, but by no means does that mean he has any reason to touch my shirt. I backed up out of the photo and looked him straight in the eye and told him that was disrespectful. He looked at me astonished. I told him if he wants a groupie I can go grab one. He told me he was only trying to look at my tattoo, then he pulls my shirt out again. I back up again and I tell him that you are being disrespectful and I do not like to be touched. He follows started laughing at me as if I sounded like prude. He still had shock on his face, but because he was trying to keep up an image, tried to save face by going along with a tough guy act. I kindly walked away after that. I was born with the adverse effects when it comes to celebrities. They seem so appealing until I meet them in person and realize they are just like me, then the magic is gone….

Back to my workaholic story. I treated my boyfriend like everyone else and even when I spoke Japanese I used informal speech. He is like everyone else. Why would I treat him different? He liked that about my personality. He is not flashy in anyway and you could never tell who he was unless he told you. I love that about him. I couldn’t even tell you how much money he has. I have no clue, because I don’t need to know and I don’t want to know.

He could have two dollars to his name for all I know and it wouldn’t change anything. What is valuable to me is his kindness, and the time we spend together. Even if it is limited. Since I am a former full blown workaholic, I can date a workaholic. I understand the constraints it takes to keep your business of good quality. His first love is his business. He had his business looonnnggg before I came along and I don’t expect to change that. As long as he keeps trying to make time for us.

I have gone through a lot emotionally the past couple of weeks. Coming to terms with a lot in my relationship and in my own insecurities. I am finally starting to settle down within my mind and get into a schedule with him. I know his dedication to his and that he won’t just leave over little petty issues we encounter. He does want to work for us! I also understand what he is willing to give. We don’t have full days together. I see him twice a week after 7 PM. But I make the most of that time. We make the most of our time. I make him do adventurous activities with me like Rock Climbing or hiking and whatever else I can find in or around Manhattan.

These times together I always try to hold dear and precious and not lose my way in my mind. I am thinking with my heart. I try to keep in mind the love that I have for my nieces and nephews… that makes up most of the love you can have towards some else as well. Love is real, even if it seems like it isn’t. The only difference is you share physical attraction with the person you love. But when the physical isn’t there…. the same love that has built my trust and loyalty and devotion to those three little ones are the same trust, loyalty, and devotion I can share with friends and my boyfriend.

He is a worker. He works all of the time. It is all that he knew in between failed relationships. He doesn’t have many friends, he doesn’t spend a lot of time outside of his business. But he chose me for whatever reason. I feel like I am a workaholic for my workaholic. I strive to succeed and I will do what it takes to make it happen. Even if it means I have to be very direct with him about my wants and needs if he dives too far into the working world. He needs someone who will let him know if something is wrong. I think that is a vital difference in our relationship and his past ones. A woman can just sit back, let the man take the lead role, and just do her duties quietly as she slowly suffers and wastes away. In my instance, I am remaining strong and independent and make sure to communicate with him as if he is my partner in this business called us. I let him know the schedule, when and where to be. I communicate new ideas, methods, and opportunities for our business. He gives his input into it and we go from there. I actually like to think of our relationship in this way. To think of our relationship in the traditional boyfriend/girlfriend sense would drive me insane. There is nothing typical about us that goes along with the typical expectations that go along with those titles. Expect, love, kissing, sex, babies and marriage. Marriage is a business nowadays anyway. That is why, even though I do want it someday, it is not my end game. Babies are a whole other business in itself because they become a full time job and all other jobs are secondary, in my case.

I like the schedule we have and I like to know what to expect from him. Visits twice a week until I move to NYC and then we will discuss further. When he is overseas, communication twice a week through email or via Skype. I like the structure waaaayyyy bettterrrr!

As Bryan Adams says in his song “When You Love Someone,” he sings “you’re lonely nights have just begun” I have been lonely a lot! Who isn’t lonely. People are always lonely in relationships. Even if the person is there everyday. This is no different. We are slowly finding a way. 🙂



Thank you!

I just want to say thank you to everyone who has followed, liked, or commented on my blog. It truly means the world to me. This blog has been therapeutic for me since I stopped relationship forums trying to tell me what is best for my relationship. My sister always said it best “every relationship s different and no one can truly give you advice for your own unique circumstance.” Since I started writing down those things that have troubled me, I am able to read back everything (and all of my grammatical errors) and truly understand what I need to do. Also, through the kind words of everyone who has commented, I feel love and support and that I am not alone. That helps me the most.

I am generally a upbeat, energetic, fun-loving person who smiles a lot. This blog doesn’t always reflect that. I want this to take a turn. I want to explain to you the truly wonderful man he is and what I think makes me a wonderful person as well who does deserve love. Let’s work on being happy together! 🙂

And again, thank you for listening to all of my ranting and raving! Things should get more interesting as I make my move to NYC in the next couple of weeks, start a new position, finally get my business on its way, start working towards grad school for Journalism (damn it, now I really have to work on my grammar! lol!) and I start traveling the world doing Photo-journalism!

All while loving a beautiful man who is supportive enough to give me room to grow and live the life I want until! Another day finished full of learning, loving, and support! Thank you everyone!

Unsatisfied satisfaction

I think I have committed treason. Treason against the person I love. Every time I have a mental emotional episode I text my best friend who Japanese and with whom I have met him through. She never hears the good moments, just those moments were I am sad and it has caused her to have ill thoughts about my boyfriend when she advised me from the beginning to be careful because he is a busy man.

I disregarded the advisory because he was and still is such a kind and gentle man. So why am I have sooo many episodes? Why do I always feel like I want to run for the hills. I was talking to her again today and she is very unhappy and she thinks maybe I should end it. The treason I committed was that I told her that I think I want to end it.

Why is it I don’t leave. It is because he hasn’t done anything really wrong. Our communication is very shabby but he treats me with the upmost respect and love and when he says he is going to do something he does it. When we make plans, he is there on time. He tells me I can come see him whenever I want and he always asks when I can come. I have know that he is super busy working 7 days a week. It is a lot better then a man roaming the streets sticking in goods in places they don’t belong.

It is Sunday and he is in a meeting right now with Tokyo. He is also the president and he has a board of directors. If he doesn’t set a standard and perform, he is kicked out of the business he built from scratch. Yes he chooses work, but he has never chosen it over me yet.

So why do I have amnesia all the time. He has laid it all out there for me. The thing is I don’t ask him for anything and I don’t tell him how I feel or ask questions, which I should. This happens not just with him but in past relationships.

I mastered my single self… I am still very fucked up in the relationship self department…

Why is it I never ask him for anything? Why is it I hold back from communicating my thoughts? I don’t know why but I need to start saying what’s on my mind or I will continue to hurt myself and eventually him.

I also have noticed that not only my boyfriend, but many japanese people are very silent. I have heard of the concept in Japan that silence is more respectable. Take that and a communication barrier and we have hear a man marked with unknown territory and I have began to explore. American men… Got them pretty much figured out and I know what to expect…. My man… Woah how I get lost.

One moment he is quiet and just hanging out. The next we are all lovey dovey on the couch. He doesn’t speak much about himself unless I ask. Silence is considered back for us… Silence is considered good for them…


So I am to a point that I am keeping my relationship to myself. Keep it between us. If I talk to my best friend about it then the person I need answers from never hears the questions. I almost committed treason by dampening his image when in reality it is not him, it is me…

I knew that my happiness was in my control. So why have I leaned so much on him? Sooooo much more to learn about myself!

My friend is a bit mad at me now because I defend him afterwards, I never said anything directly bad about him, it’s all about how I don’t understand him….

She thinks now that I should REALLY be single and she wants to bust the windows out if his car lol!

I must find a way to resolve this. His kindness is not worth giving up. Long distance… What a trip!!!!

Nothing can save me….

This is real… the realization I have no control… All this time, the control I had was an illusion. I have fallen over the cliff… I am scared to enter this world where this person has control and could mess me up…

I have truly fallen… I feel hopeless…

When did this person become so important….

All I can do is succumb to it…

All the joy and the pain…

I’m scared now……………….

My illusion of control is gone……..

I need him………

The Perfection Perception

Songs on repeat today 

  • I won’t give up- Jason Mraz
  • The woman I love- Jason Mraz
  • Beauitful Mess- Mraz again!
  • It’s not my time- 3 Doors Down

If you haven’t noticed, I learn how to deal with my situations and look at it from alternate positions by listening to music. Music has always helped with dealing with my emotions. I still to this day like to listen to music to help resolve my issues and it is a big factor into why I started writing music in the first place. Helping others understand that they are not alone and hoping they find answers through my stories like I found answers in the songs of others.

So here I am again… thinking… because I feel really ungrateful. I feel like I am struggling to be satisfied. Why is this happening? What is wrong with my relationship? What am I expecting right now…

I talked to my lovely Japanese friend again today and it she always gives me insight and clarity. I explained to her that maybe I should focus less on the relationship because I am getting sucked into a vortex of unhappiness and insecurities. So I am putting on my ninja space suit and fighting my way back closer to the single-sphere and not worrying so much about the relationship. I told her that if he wanted to keep us a float that he had to take initiative like he did in the beginning. I felt like I had lost a bit of my spirit towards our relationship. I didn’t want to break up because the one thing I told him is that I would be there and I wouldn’t give up. I will keep that promise till the end.

I popped on Spotify today and saw a special name pop up! MRAZ MAN!!! It had been awhile since I listened to his music. So I played “The Woman I Love” and such a beautiful warm feeling came over my body. Why does this man know how to say such beautiful truthful words. His songs always go the same way… “You’re fucked up, I’m fucked up, but we can do this!”

I really like this song because it feels exactly like my relationship. It is amazing how similar relationships can be. He states in the beginning of the song that he won’t give up on her and he will just love her as the woman he loves…

Is love really that easy…

I feel like my boyfriend loves me exactly like that. I haven’t been loving him like that.

Mraz continues explaining that the woman can take her time and he will hold her steady and he will be there if she falls and that he will love her along the way. Then he further explained that the world sucks and even if she stops loving herself, even if she wakes up every day different he will still love her… because he will love her like the woman he loves…

The feels even MORE like our relationship. This is what he has given me and this all I have asked for… From the beginning he said that the only thing he can do for me is be there. He has supported my decisions and now he is still supporting me through my crazy emotional rages. Sometimes in relationships I feel like you have to be perfect all the time.

I think this is the question and the answer to the next stage of my relationship with my boyfriend. The more we get acquainted with each other, and the more I love him, the more I am afraid to lose him. So I have been trying to do everything right in fear that if I fucked up he would leave. Could he really accept me when the fog starts to fade from his eyes? This was the question I was wondering. He is standing firm. I asked him to just continue to love and support me. He repeated to me that he would do this and I felt better. I forgot the simplistic view of everything so quickly. Love him like the man I love…. Support him and love him… I feel less worried now about peering perfect or trying to do everything right. I am human…

That was when I started playing “Beautiful Mess” by the Mraz man!! It is funny listening to this song because I feel like he is talking about me in the first verse. The contraction that I am. The best of both worlds: “Strong and needy, humble and greedy..” “Your mind is rather reckless…” This man understands who and what a woman is and he loves her for that. It’s OK to be who I am around him… If he really loves you then these changes won’t effect him… If he didn’t love you then he would run for the hills.

Deep down I feel very thankful. This man truly does love me and it only grows… As I do for him…

Love is such a beautiful mess. Then “I Won’t Give Up” starts playing and I feel calm. This is where I start to feel that warm feeling again. I feel ungrateful but happy to hear his words because I know it is very similar to the feeling I get from my boyfriend. Even if he doesn’t explain his feelings much because he feels he can’t express it right in English.

“We’ve got a lot to learn, god knows we’re worth it. No, I won’t give up.”

Mraz is speaking to my heart. I realize that I have no reason to rush because we still are beginning and we do have plenty of time to learn about each other. I am letting his age make me feel that we need to hurry so we can still have a life together…

“I don’t want to be someone who walks away so easily I’m here to make the difference I can make.”

He took the words right out of my mouth. This is exactly how I feel…

“Our differences they do a lot to teach to use the tools and gifts we got here we’ve got a lot at stake.”

He is right, our differences do teach us a lot. I should use what I have because our hearts are at stake and I never want to hurt him or break his heart…

“And in the end you’re still my friend at least we did intend for us to work we didn’t break we didn’t burn”

We are really trying for each other! 🙂

“We had to learn how to bend without the world caving in…”

This is very difficult… I am learning. I have bent into a pretzel, a hexigon, a ploygon, and every other damn shape out there… My world has caved in a lot… and then fix the walls with Elemer’s glue and smile looking at my shoty work!

“I had to learn what I’ve got, what I’m not and who I am”

I am taking this time now to really learn these three!

“God knows I’m tough enough… I won’t give up on us, even if the skies get rough… I’m giving you all of my love… I’m still looking up……”

FUCK YOU LOVE I FIGURED THIS SHIT OUT YO! (drops the mic and walks out)



Public Service Announcement and Is love enough?

Say NO to greek yogurt… I just arrived back from a 30 minute fetal position stint on the floor! This is my lactose sensitive issues…

Back to the regularly scheduled program…

Finally saw the boo yesterday for the first time in a couple of weeks. It felt amazing! All the silliness, cuddling, and kissing is back and I am a very happy lady…

That is until…………………………… my mind does my over thinking again….

We are in a new relationship. This lady coming from a place of not knowing how to love and be in a relationship. My man coming from a place of extreme work and no real luck in the relationship department. I get to spend very little time with my boyfriend as it is because of our locations and now I am about to enter a world of busy, busy, busy again! Back to full on ambition mode as I become to leave the artist world behind and focus more on what I do best…. business!

So I went on full emotional girly mode and decided I wanted to ask him about the idea of us moving in together in the future since we never really talk about a future. I am sensitive to our relationships in ways because of the distance. However, we have known each other 7 months, we have dated 3 months, and we have been officially together 2 months…. So why does it feel like I have been with him for years?

Back to the story, I panicked asking him, and I became really nervous trying to blurt the words out. My gut told me no… my emotional overbearing womanness told me YES YES YES and my vivid imagination replayed a Japanese, mixed girl version of Cinderella in my mind. Well yea! That didn’t go over so well. I finally blurted out the words and he fell silent. SILENT! I freaked out and started justifying my position and why I asked. I explained the distance and my constant travel and in reality, I realized I wanted him to make real effort other then just being there when I arrive (which he is impeccably always there and on time)

He told me to calm down. I told him to forget what I said and I am sorry. He told me to not be sorry and that it was OK. He explained to me that he works a lot… I know he work a lot. He explains that he never lived with a woman before. I look at him like “Oh!” This man who is much older than me has never lived with a woman. He truly was a bachelor.

Well this is a bit of concern. Could this man ever give up his personal space to let someone else in. Will it turn into the Japanese style coo of once I enter his space, we sleep in separate rooms and he never comes home. He further explains in between my sad face and nonsensical blubbering words that he pretty much works, eats and does most business from his home.

I feel concerned. Not even for the moving idea I had. It is way too soon and I know it is way too soon. I should have not brought it up, but now I can gauge him a little bit more. This man is like a kid in some ways, very new to the whole world of relationships. He likes having a girlfriend when he wants it… He has used work as an excuse for his lacking in relationships when I have required only bare minimum.

What to do? I am concerned that maybe living in the same household with this man may never happen. I think maybe the future that I thought was there from the beginning when he approached me with this relationship idea with such confidence and hope is just an illusion. I asked myself many times,”Could I be with this man if he never wanted these things that I want now…” “Could love be enough forever.” The answer is clearly no…

“Sometimes love just ain’t enough” is the song that comes to mind when I think of this current situation. I thought he wanted those things and so I wanted those things. I don’t know if he will ever want those things. The thought made me feel so sad that I wanted to break up with him…

By the way, I concluded that during this whole emotional explosion that I was not Dr. Jekyll… but I was Mr. “emotionally incapacitated” Hyde…..

Ah guys! So many times I feel like my blogging adventure will have to end with my tears falling all over my keyboard as I blubber and ramble on about my god damn last heartbreaking experience…. Not yet though… Not yet….

As the conversation ended he told me to calm down and stop worrying again. I agreed and we drank some more wine… Then he took me in his arms and said I love you while looking deep in my eyes… Fucker got me god damn it! Then he looked at me again and told me I was beautiful…

Background info: Before you think I am such a gullible fool for doing my little girly laugh as he spoke those words to me. First, I am usually allergic to compliments from guys because I can smell insincerity for miles away and I am fluent in reading bullshit. One of the reasons his words didn’t worry me was because he was sincere. I feel better because I can read his words with my eyes and I can gauge how real it is and it feels soooooooo good to let my guard down a bit.

OK back to it… He is actually the first boyfriend I have had that says I am beautiful just because he wants to say it. So sad isn’t it… I can feel that this man is in love and I always wonder why I would ever leave a man that loves me and I love him back. A future. A future I want to be granted and I will never let go of… this is when love is not enough.

Before he made me swoon with his ever so lack of swag… (hahaha) He is soooo geeky I love it! He told me that I have so much to do. I told him I have a vagina so I can do everything at once (I didn’t include that part) and that I will always do whatever I want and I can do it all if I wanted. I will get it done and I have the time to get it done…

It is too soon to move in together of course, even too soon to talk about it after two months. But I don’t know what else to do to help us grow together when the distance is about to be more frequent. My senses are telling me that it will be a long long time before he is ready. He constantly tells me “we have plenty of time” every since our second date I freaked out a bit at his fast-paced way of thinking. He hasn’t given me any clarity on what he wants either.

I need him to tell me something… I need to know even if he says that he has no idea what he wants. He refuses too still because he says that it is difficult to explain his feelings in English. I will try my best to leave it alone, but I know one day I will need clarity that I am not just tagging along like a fool. I am a fool in love…






Note to self: Start spell-checking my blog posts and stop the laziness!

OK. Now that this is out of the way! Hi guys! Back to the relationship. I wish I could give everyone advice. I would love to write “I am a whimsical relationship guru who can use psychology to hell you through your own relationships.” That is not this chick right here. I am also kind of adverse through online advice. I don’t want to tell anyone how they should think. EVERY situation is different. We can read as my blogs and articles as we want and try to calculate different scenarios in our minds (cough cough sounds like cough cough me). I think the best thing is stories. Don’t let people tell you anything when I am sure their relationships or situations are different.

Every time I say that my boyfriend spends three weeks in Tokyo and a month and a half here I realize I get the same response… “OMG it is going to be really hard to be in a relationship with this man, maybe you should think about it.” Well what about my boyfriend, if every person thought that way then he really would be alone forever. Five years I probably would have been running for the hills. I was also 20 at the time and just exploring. I knew coming into this relationship that I had to work for it. He knows he as to work too. I think this better then going into a relationship thinking things will just be OK and seeing that person everyday. Once the honeymoon phase is over and you realize that it will have to be work, and then people get allergic to each other.

I knew even before I dated him that it would be work. It wasn’t work when we were together. It was mutual love and respect. Even further beyond that, it was supporting each other in the life they had chosen. He works a lot and has his own business. I am trying to create my own business. He supports me and understands how difficult it is to begin. I understand that business is hard and the requirements to be in a position he is in. I broke down on him through my previous blog posts… Over the past few days I have done some intense meditation and soul searching. I have found what has caused so much craziness in my life recently and I am fixing it. I am building my life up again.

Just like everything else, nothing is guaranteed. This man could give up working one day. However, right now, all I know is we work to keep each other strong separately so even if that day comes I will be strong. I have my moments of weakness like any human. I realize I am truly falling into a deeper love I didn’t think I was capable of and was only apparent through my best friend as she wrote to me “girl, you are falling hard” Through practicing and meditating I come to understand that you cannot keep anyone, but you can free yourself from doubt and love. That hardest thing to control is the mind and I lost a few battles over the past couple of weeks, but I am back again. I am going through difficulties and finding a way through them.

Tomorrow I get to see him. My man… three weeks has given me butterflies in my stomach and excitement. Excitement to feel his presence. Excitement to smell his skin and touch his black silky hair. Excitement to feel his rough beard scrape my face. Excitement to feel a kindness I only realized recently that the only other person to be so kind to me was my beloved grandfather. Hearing his voice. These are simple things that I a reminded of that matters when he is gone. I think sometimes you can get so caught up on a person being their that you forget the little things.

It reminds me of the feeling, before he left, how he just held me as he breathed in deep and tried to memorize my sweet coconut perfume smell. Tomorrow I get to see him and as I write this I fill with anticipation! So yes I know how hard this relationship will be. I knew before going into it… but every relationship is work anyway. I just know one thing. I want to be with him and it is not hard to deal with the distance as long as I get to see his face again. Also, in time I will get use to it and it will turn into a routine.

My goal for you guys, and I hope you receive even an ounce of it, is to help you find some clarity in your own situations from my stories. The same reason why I write music. Music always told my young heart stories and I found my own way through situations through those stories. Either that or I felt some serenity knowing that I wasn’t the only one out there feeling those feelings I didn’t understand.

I am in love. I am learning to keep my individuality. I am learning to be a team. I am working on my business. I am learning to love myself and others through guidance by Buddhism and Taoism. I have NO idea where I am going and which way is up. I just know how to move forward. I am not a guru. I do not have a PHD in relationships. I just know I love a man. I love a man that I want to spend the rest of my life with. A man who is work, but is worth it. A man and a woman of different cultures. A man and a woman hoping they can make it through the test of time. This is all I know.


You are my sunshine!

HOLY DRAMATIC BIANCA BATMAN! Congrats!!!! You have made it safely through the roller coaster ride “Bianca.” You may now unbuckle your seat belts and please come again.

How depressing my posts are… I should be writing to inspire and bring hope to others, and instead I write my deep ill depressed feelings to you. In reality, why do we even follow blog. I know I started researching about AMBW relationships because I didn’t want to feel alone. Isn’t that why we sometimes follow blogs or watch videos on Youtube. It is so we know we are not alone. Other people share in our fears and doubt, but they also find a way out and through them you can find your own path out!

So maybe you have guessed it. The stars are shining. My pouting and sadness is over (for now) because I finally heard from my boyfriend. Everything is OK. 🙂 🙂 🙂 As soon as I read his message in the morning, it was like everything I felt over the past week washed away. Why does this happen to women? Or does this happen to men as well. I guess that is why Ne-Yo wrote the song “I hate how much I love you.”

Ah! Another lesson in love. Love truly is amazing! Thinking about all the positive posts I wrote at first leading up to last nights post, I realize. I am human. Long distance is hard. You have to know what you need to make it work, because when you lose that thing you need, ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE! I now know what I need to discuss with my boyfriend. We will discuss what we can do about communication.

I told you guys, if we made it through this then I knew that he definitely the one for me. Now now now… hold your horses. I don’t necessarily believe there is “one” person you were destined to be with or a soul mate. There could always be someone better then the man you’re with. Every three years someone better can come along. It is who you choose to stay with even if a better person comes along.

I could choose a man who is here everyday. Doesn’t mean I will be happy. My boyfriends kindness is what makes me happy. His ambition that follows mine inspires me. He confidence to give me freedom. This is way I choose him as the one for me. From the beginning he changed me and I don’t understand why or how it happened until it was too late. I was here, tangled up in him.

Before him I always had that feeling that there was someone else out there, even if I wasn’t single. I don’t feel that anymore. I am tired. I want to end with him. I want to learn about his bad and figure out a way to deal with all the flaws. For the first time I rather work for a relationship with someone I care about then go back to the single life. Reminds me of another song “A Woman Like You” by Lee Brice. That song is soooooo cute!

I kind of feel ashamed that I am I am very happy right now after last nights mental showdown. How I am back to my perky little self. Boy has this boy taught me a lot about love. I know most of it is in my head…. About 99% of it, and the rest is actual involvement. He has been fine and I have been a basket case. These past 3 weeks have taught me SOOOOO much and I realize that this is a work in progress. I am definitely a work in progress.

I do know now that I am as scared as I was before. I feel like he can handle the times when I go  HAM in the mental category. I must hold more restraint and decide which battles to choose. I must have the COURAGE to love even when I can’t see it or feel it. I must use less words and use more compassion and understanding. Now, I feel like I could move in with him and be happy. Now , I feel like I can proceed and further our relationship because I now know what I want. Just as simple as “I love you” is… Listen to India Aire “Simple” or simple it can be. I know through al the other crap, happy or sad, there is one simple truth. I don’t want to be without him.

I think now it is OK to need someone. You might not need them survive. I know I don’t need him to survive. But I need him in my life. He has helped me grow soooo much these past 7 months in ways I didn’t notice at first. I am embracing love for the first time in 11 years (by the way, I’m only 25) I had a high school sweetheart. Just like the lyrics of my song that I posted on my blog. I now understand my own lyrics. Isn’t that crazy. You write the words, but sometimes it isn’t as clear to you why you said it.

My thoughts before I met him in my song “It Won’t Hurt”

“To grow I know I must be alone, but you’re freeing me from chains I can’t see”

What I realized when we started dating and the changes that occurred…

“To grow I know I must risk it all, cause you’re freeing me from chains I can’t see”

He hasn’t really hurt me… I have been hurting myself. I need to take more time and stop being so self-mutilating to my own mind. I spent 3 years learning to love myself. Now I am faced with challenges to really use what I have learned and I have failed myself. It feels like I think I don’t deserve love or to be happy. I do DESERVE love and I DO deserve to be happy. I have a long road ahead….

All I know is that I am still here guys! From New York to Tokyo, the love brigade continues!

I guess love conquers more then I think!!!


8:25 PM thoughts on love….

As the sun starts to go down on the east coast… and my room grows dim… Playing Must be nice by Lyfe Jennings in the background. I am back to thinking… I deemed it appropriate to write my thoughts.

I am listening to this song and I can’t help to relate it to my situation. Why do women hold on to men with all of our soul? I will break down the song lyrics and my thoughts… Let’s see what happens!

“Hey yo you! You who just flipped on this CD player. I just want to inform you, that when you have somebody good… you hold on to them”

My thoughts: (mind blown) He is a great guy and I don’t want to give up on him…

“Must be nice, Having someone who understands the life you live”

MT: I am trying to understand his life. It has taken so much effort that I forgot my own life. I realized (light bulb moment) that the reason why I say to him that we are a team and he is my partner and friend is not only because he is all of those things. It is because it is too difficult to think of him as just a boyfriend. To me a boyfriend means many things including love, physical touch and attraction. Love waivers when there is distance from the lack of physical touch. I need to think of him as my friend and that we are team so I can handle the distance. I have gone a year without seeing my friends but I know they love me. I need to feel that we are in this together and that I am not just working alone to keep together. 

“Must be nice, having someone who’s slow to take and quick to give. Must be nice
having someone who sticks around when the rough times get thick, someone who’s smile is bright enough to make the projects feel like a mansion

MT: I don’t need him, but I want him… I ask him for nothing but his love and respect and he knows that… I am still here and I will try my best to be here through it all. That is what a real women does. She fights until she can’t fight anymore. Then I have a flash back to all of the times we laughed. We laughed a lot… I grew up poor so I know how much brighter a smile shines when you have nothing but family and love. I smile big… He smiles big as well… more then I think he has in awhile…

“Must be nice having someone who loves you despite your faults. Must be nice having someone who talks the talk but also walks the walk. Must be nice having someone who understands
that a thug has feelings too someone who loves you for sho’ you just remember to never let ’em go.”

MT: I know my struggle now, and I know who this person is and I still wanted to be here despite the fact I knew it would involve a lot of loneliness and courage. Courage to love someone even if they don’t love me back. I haven’t had this courage since my first love… 11 years without courage. In these final days and hours of him coming back and I do not know what will happen between us… Do I have the courage to still love him even though I am afraid he doesn’t. Doesn’t courage and fear go hand and hand. You might be scared to do something but you do it. Why am I not be courageous and why am I losing faith. These things have nothing to do with him, these are the powers I hold within. I am the only person letting them slip away.

I relate this thug meaning to a business man. Both have hard lives… when I started dating my boyfriend, it made me sad to think that no woman was strong enough to stay by his side, such a sweet man that he is. Even when he asked me out, I spoke with my Japanese girlfriend who knew him and she explained to me that he felt he can’t have a girlfriend or a wife because he can’t care for them all the time because he works so much. That made me even more sad to think of him alone. I think I felt sad even more because I had given up the idea of having a boyfriend/husband because of the line of work I wanted to get into, I couldn’t care for a man and I couldn’t get pregnant because I am the one who must carry the child for 9 months and then care for them afterwards. I could relate to him… and his loneliness.

I love him… I am sure… He loves me… but is he strong enough… will he give up and let me go?

“Must be nice having someone you can come home to from a long day of work. Must be nice having someone you don’t have to show they know exactly where it hurts. Must be nice having someone who trusts you despite what they’ve heard. Someone as mighty as a lion but still as gentle as a bluebird. Must be nice having someone you don’t have to tell you don’t want to be alone no, no… Must be nice having someone you can grow old with until God calls ya’ll home…”

MT: All I could do was picture us together… Us in his apartment… There when he gets home off of work and his smile when I come. We both finally have someone that we care for… finally after so much time… I see him and I just feel something magical. We both felt it. I still feel it when I see him. His girlfriend… a strong woman like a lion… who can love him gently like a bluebird… but right now is as fearful as a scared puppy peeing itself… sheesh… Someone who will stay…

“Even when your hustling days are gone She’ll be by your side still holding on, even when those 20’s stop spinning And all those gold-digging women disappear she’ll still be here. Must be Nice”

MT: The loyalty of a woman. Standing by a man’s side through thick and thin. All I can think about is how much she gives up of her own life for him. I don’t want to give up my dreams, but what are my dreams? Can’t I adjust my dreasms? Can I still be ambitious… Can I still reach the heights I chose as a mother if I become one? If I chose a life with him, how can will I rework my plan. I can’t answer because I have never been a mother. I always knew I wanted to do something big! What is that big?

As the song finishes I realize…. All these things I do and would do for him…. would he do the same for me?